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Hone Privacy Policy

Welcome to Hone, putting the power of a laboratory into the palm of your
hand. Our innovative handheld scanning device and the Hone Create
Platform allows users to obtain rapid, cost-effective and accurate
compositional analysis of materials, making chemical characterization
that previously took days or weeks, routine. Collection and analysis of
your data is essential to the operation of the Hone software and services.
As a result, data protection and privacy compliance are essential to our
You may choose not to give your personal information to us. However, if
you choose not to give us your personal information, we may not be able
to provide our software and services to you. By providing us with your
personal information you consent to us collecting, holding, using and
disclosing your personal information in accordance with this policy.
If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the privacy
officer in charge at info@honeag.com or write to:
The Privacy Officer
Hone Pty Ltd 
22 Lambton Road 
Broadmeadow NSW 2292
(a) The types of personal information and personal data that we collect
directly from you or from third parties may include (but is not limited
to) your name, address, email, telephone numbers, job title and
industry and those of the personnel who work or represent you.
(b) Whenever it is reasonable and practicable to do so we will collect
information about you directly from you. This includes collecting
information when you request services from Hone or when you
arrange a demonstration of our products and services.
(c) We may also collect information about you (including personal
information) from our services' functionality. Information and results
from the use of our products and services may be associated with
your user account. We may also collect personal information from
you via websites or cookies.
(d) Some of our products and services record location data (including
GPS co-ordinates and information derived from such GPS
coordinates). This location data may be associated with your user
account and your use of the products and services.
(e) To register as a user with Hone, you are asked to provide us with
personal information, including your name, employer name, role /
title, email address, phone number and address. This information
about you may also be entered on the Hone platform by your
employer in order for you to use the platform.
(f) If you want to contribute to any Hone feedback or help forums, you
are required to register using an email address and username.
We may use your personal information for the following purposes:
(a) to provide our products and/or services to you, and to provide other
requested information to you;
(b) to investigate and respond to claims from you;
(c) to contact you, where necessary;
(d) to process any application for employment that you make;
(e) to perform analysis and to report breach incidents;
(f) to tailor your experience with our services, software, website or
other services and to direct you to content we believe will be of
interest to you;
(g) to provide you with information in connection with complementary
products and services to those of Hone;
(h) to refine our database and platform services, including to build
testing and algorithm functionality;
(i) for product and service development and to share positive
testimonials with others;
(j) to transfer any of the assets and or operations of Hone to another
(k) unless you have indicated otherwise, opted-out or it is prohibited by
applicable laws, to provide information about products and services
which we expect may be of interest to you. However, in each
marketing message you will be provided with the ability to opt-out
from receiving future marketing messages; and
(l) for other purposes required or permitted by applicable law.
If you receive promotional information from Hone and do not wish
to receive this information any longer, you may remove your name
from our list by contacting Hone at info@honeag.com asking to be
removed from our mailing list or follow the instructions in any
marketing communication you receive.
(a) As described in paragraph 5 below, the nature of the Hone platform
means that you may elect to disclose or share personal information
with third parties using the platform. We do not take part in or verify
the conduct of such sharing and disclosure, and under our terms of
supply you must ensure that any such activities comply with all
applicable laws, including applicable data protection laws.
(b) We may disclose your personal information to third party service
providers who assist us to facilitate the software and services that
we provide. These third parties may be located in various countries.
They provide services in connection with our products and services,
for example by providing hosting, legal, accounting or marketing
services or other support services. We take steps to ensure that
such third parties maintain the security and confidentiality of
personal information and to process such information in
accordance with Hone's instructions.
(c) Any personal information supplied to Hone or any of its subsidiaries
may (as permitted by and in accordance with applicable law) also
be shared within the internal company group to facilitate our
business activities across countries and the provision of our
products and services.
(d) We may also disclose your personal information to others outside
our group of companies where:
(i) we are required or authorised by law to do so;
(ii) you may have expressly consented to the disclosure or the
consent may be reasonably inferred from the circumstances.
(e) If the ownership or control of all or part of our business changes,
we may transfer your personal information to the new owner.
(a) By using our products and services, you agree that we can
access, aggregate and use non-personally identifiable data we
collect from you.
(b) Without limiting how we may use this aggregated nonpersonally
identifiable data, we may use it to:
(i) provide products and services to our customers;
(ii) enhance and improve our products and services, and to
develop new products and services (including by
commercialising the aggregated non-personally identifiable
data and creating data-based products and services);
(iii) assist us to better understand how our customers are using
our products and services; and
(iv) otherwise undertake our own business activities.
Our products and services may allow users to transfer data,
including personal information, electronically to and from third party
applications. This includes “Third Party Providers” as described in
HONE Privacy Policy – May 2021 Page 2 of 2
in our Terms of Business. We have no control over, and takes no
responsibility for, the privacy practices or content of these
applications. You are responsible for checking the privacy policy of
any such applications so that you can be informed of how they will
handle personal information. Each of those third party providers
have their own privacy policy, which governs their receipt, storage
and use of information and data received by them as part of those
applications. Further information about the privacy policies of those
third parties is available when you order the relevant product or
service via our app or website.
We take reasonable steps to protect your personal information from
misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised or accidental access, and
modification, processing, erasure or disclosure. Your data will be
held in the hosted servers secured with fire-wall protection with the
objective of maximising confidentiality and the security of your data.
The time period for which we keep information varies according to
what the information is used for. In some cases there are legal
requirements to keep information for a minimum period. Unless
there is a specific legal requirement for us to keep the information,
we will keep personal information for so long as it is necessary for
the purpose for which it was collected or for such other purposes
for which consent has been obtained.
(a) You may access or request correction of the personal information
that we hold about you by contacting us. Our contact details are
set out below. There are some circumstances in which we are not
required to give you access to your personal information.
(b) There is no charge for requesting access to your personal
information but we may require you to meet our reasonable costs
in providing you with access (such as photocopying costs or costs
for time spent on collating large amounts of material).
(c) We will respond to your requests to access or correct personal
information in a reasonable time and will take all reasonable steps
to ensure that the personal information we hold about you remains
accurate, up to date and complete.
(a) A cookie is a small data file that contains information about a visit
to a web site. This information is provided by an individual's
computer the first time it visits a web server. The server records this
information in a text file and stores this file on the hard drive. When
that individual visits the same web site again the server looks for
the cookie and structures itself based on the information provided.
(b) Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but they can
be reset to refuse all cookies or to warn you before accepting
cookies. We use cookies to help us improve our service to visitors
to our site and to ensure that our site stays easy to navigate and
(c) We also work with third party advertising and personalisation
partners that use cookies to help us display personalised content
and web advertisements across the internet based on someone’s
past visits to our website. Cookies placed by our third party partners
also assist us with measuring the performance of our advertising
campaigns. You can decide whether or not to accept cookies
through your internet browser’s settings.
(a) If you have a complaint about how we have collected, used or
disclosed your personal information, or if we have not corrected or
provided you access to your personal information, then you may
contact our Privacy Officer to make a complaint at the email or
address detailed above.
(b) We will investigate and attempt to resolve complaints and disputes
regarding use and disclosure of personal information by reference
to the principles contained in this Policy. If we fail to respond to your
concerns, or if you are dissatisfied with the response that you
receive from us, you may have the right, depending on the
jurisdiction, to make a complaint to the applicable regulator.
(c) We will cooperate with all applicable authorities to resolve any data
protection dispute.
(a) If our information practices change, we will post these changes on
the website https://knowledgebase.honeag.com/. We encourage
you to review this Privacy Policy periodically.
(b) If we change material terms of this Privacy Policy, we will provide
notice of the revised policy on our website 30 days prior to the
changes becoming effective. We will also take other steps as
necessary depending on the nature of the changes, including
obtaining your consent or providing you with the opportunity to
delete your Personal Information, where required by local data
protection laws.